

Agrinusa Achieves CPOIB Certification

Agrinusa Jaya Santosa, which focuses on animal health products and livestock equipment, besides being certified CPOHB by the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia (CPOHB is a veterinary medicines manufacturer standards that must be obtained by a veterinary medicines manufacturer in Indonesia), now also succeeded in getting CPOIB (CPOIB is a fish medicines manufacturer standards that must be obtained by a fish medicines manufacturer in Indonesia). Good Way to Make Fish Medicine) certification for the first time in the next 5 years. The CPOIB audit was carried out on October 4-6, 2023 at the Agrinusa Plant Klapanunggal - Bogor and October 26, 2023, at the Agrinusa Plant Cikarang by the Directorate of Fish Feed and Medicine of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries with coverage of pharmaceutical preparations, premixes, and herbal medicines.  

This audit activity aims to ensure that the fish medicine manufacturing process meets the requirements for quality assurance, safety, and efficacy. Guaranteeing the quality of a fish medicine also does not only depend on the use of a particular medicine, but rather is made under carefully controlled and supervised conditions through the application of CPOIB to the entire production process, starting from raw materials selection, intermediate products, and/or bulk products, to finished products and quality control of dead fish medicine. 

During the audit process, the entire team works together and cooperatively with the auditors in conveying information so that the audit process can run smoothly.  Based on the inspection, Agrinusa Jaya Santosa is trusted and worthy of getting CPOIB certification.  By issuing CPOIB certification, Agrinusa can guarantee that all products produced comply with standards of the best quality. 

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